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Vlad Miller And Notes From Underground

Vlad Miller – piano
Les Booth – six- string electric bass
Dave Rohoman – drums
Adrian Northover – saxes
Vlad Miller And Notes From Underground is a band that has lasted the course of time,  using Vlad’s compositions as a starting point for a collaborative repertoire.  Largely stimulated by jazz and Russian music traditions, strong melodies weave into colourful improvisation.
We wish to present our pieces as a challenge for listeners to enjoy new compositions within the general framework of our set.  All the pieces tell a story, for example,  ‘Between Two Storms’, a real life event on a cruise ship entering dangerous waters in the Russian White Sea.
 Our first album ‘Diaghilev’s Dance’ was inspired by the life of the famous Russian impresario Diaghelev, and his dance troupe ‘The Ballet Russes’. The Vortex magazine wrote: “With the odd ballad providing balance, this is an intelligently programmed, consistently absorbing set from a versatile and subtly interactive band.”
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