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Words and Art

This month’s guest at the session organised by Nicki Heinen is CAROLE BROMLEY. There is also a set by Nicki and, throughout, art is created by Aurelie Freoua.

Carole Bromley lives in York where she is the Stanza rep and runs poetry surgeries. She has three collections with Smith/Doorstop, including a collection for children, Blast Off (2017), a pamphlet, Sodium 136, with Calder Valley Poetry (2019) and a new collection from Valley Press, The Peregrine Falcons of York Minster (2020). Carole has won a number of prizes including the Bridport and the Hamish Canham Award. She is currently working on a second children’s book.

Nicki has been running these events live and online at the Vortex for around 5 years. A new collection of her poetery is out soon.

Aurelie Freoua is known for her dynamic improvisations to music (such as Resonances) and poetry, as well as her regular art practice.

Do check out the monthly art created at past events here.

The previous events can be seen on Facebook Live.

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