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Brian Blain (1929-2022)

Oliver Weindling writes:

It’s very sad for all in the jazz world to hear about the death of Brian Blain. In reaching the venerable age of 92, he had been instrumental in supporting the scene here for too many years to remember. From being a journalist on the Morning Star, through to all the sterling work he did for jazz at the Musicians’ Union, and then the work at Jazz Services.

I loved how Debbie Dickinson, erstwhile manager of the Guest Stars, got Brian to ‘put his money where his mouth is’ and start promoting gigs at  Lauderdale House in Highgate when around 80 years old! And what a lovely job. Understanding and nurturing his audiences, he proved the point. And he still came out to gigs. We saw him fairly regularly at the Vortex, and was always up to sharing his knowledge and latest grumbling about Manchester City, his other great passion.

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