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Martin Davidson

Oliver Weindling writes:

Martin Davidson, who died just before Christmas aged 81, was a hero for this music. Perhaps not so famous as a name, but many who love improvised music will have a release that he was associated with, because he founded the Emanem label. Over 200 releases plus another 80 from Evan Parker’s Psi label which he helped run.

We celebrated his departure from the UK to Spain a few years back with a party. Now we have celebrated his own departure from this world.

Richard Williams’ detailed tribute to Martin can be seen here:

The list of releases is mouthwatering. The quality of sound is excellent, as he had sensitive ears. And he resurrected some important albums, such as Karyobin from 1968, as well as releasing so much new stuff. The link is here:

Perhaps nearly 100,000 CDs are sitting now in Spain.

We wish Mandy and the rest of the family long life.

Discussions are continuing about how to get this music that it doesn’t just vanish, as often the case with music when a one-man band closes a label. There are so many that I can think of! Let’s hope that they work.

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