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Celebrating Billy Jenkins’ 60th birthday

The regular seasons by Billy Jenkins, the Bard of Bromley, at the Vortex in Stoke Newington Church Street were the stuff of legend – his football season, his fashion shows, his Big Fights.

And with full justification. Because here is a consummate guitarist, band leader and motivator. Going back to his period in Burlesque (who were on the cover of Melody Maker ahead of Dire Straits), the humour of Trimmer and Jenkins, the humanism of the Voice of God Collective, the collaboration with The Fun Horns, the tribute to the Southern (London) delta in the Blues  Collective and more.

So it is with pleasure that we have tonight’s musical Festschrift. Including Stanley Bad and many members of the Blues Collective such as Richard ‘Homer’ Bolton, Steve Watts and Mike Pickering; Vladimir Miller playing solo; and the Billy Boys tribute band led by Arthur Lea. There will also be a tag Big Fight (referee tbc)

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