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Eternal Triangle (Trevor Watts / Veryan Weston / Jamie Harris)

Doors 7:45 PM, Music 8:30 PM – 2 set(s) of music



Trevor Watts – Saxophones / Compositions

Veryan Weston – Keyboard

Jamie Harris – Congas / Darrabukka



Eternal Triangle play the music of Trevor Watts, compositions originally inspired by rhythmic structures from Africa and South America as well as jazz and European musical forms. This is a music with a depth that is both expansive and honest.

The trio is built on two duos: Veryan and Trevor first played together in Trevor’s “Moiré Music” in the early 1980s and since then have had a long collaboration in the “Dialogues” project where their work as open improvisers was explored together for many years worldwide. The second duo consists of Jamie and Trevor where Jamie was involved in Trevor’s “Celebration Band” in the 2000s and later they were involved in a very successful duo touring worldwide and recording several CDs.

In July 2021 the three musicians began working together on some beautiful new pieces specifically conceived by Trevor. The development of these compositions, for instance, can happen during rehearsals or during a concert. Any player in the group can discover something new within each piece, and therefore the compositions are ever changing. The strengths of this trio are like the durable and inert strength of a triangle, where each side supports the other “Eternal Triangle”.

Photo credit: Bob Mazzer


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