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Vortex discussion 115 – nationality and music 2

Our weekly online discussion has now been going since March 2020. It covers a wide range of topics – some more philosophical, some more political, some more purely musical. It is hosted by Oliver Weindling, Vortex director, and is open to all – professional, or just curious!

Oliver writes: “I was recently at a conference discussion political identities and jazz. One element was the extent to which we are influenced by national support, such as when travelling internationally, such as Kit Downes (photograph here). Are musicians compromised if they receive government funding? Is this funding part of ‘soft power’, where the government is trying to influence diplomacy by stealth, or should it be regarded as just a way of getting support for travel in a sector where musicians are often underpaid?”

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Meeting ID: 890 1695 0757
Passcode: 258274


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