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ERRATIC SCORES – where art meets poetry

erratic scorew


What does a painting sound like?

Erratic Scores is an experimental event merging visual arts and poetry performance.

In the first part of the evening poets will perform written responses to artist Aurelie Freoua’s vibrant abstract paintings. The event will then proceed to pair visual artists with poets to create spontaneous poetry performances in response to live visual art. Throughout this improvised section the visual element will be projected live, creating a full audiovisual experience which allows the audience to witness all stages of this unique creative process.

Then visual artists with poets to create spontaneous poetry performances in response to live visual art… and we will finish with an audiovisual performance by Uran Apak!

This event will also be featuring the poets Elliot Koubis, Lavinia Singer, Hannah Gordon and Marika Josef as well as improvising poets Antosh Wojcik, Jonathan Catherall, Allan Struthers and Jonathan Mann, and artists Alix Marie Pauline Grs, Sheena Calvert and Alexander Allen.

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Erratic Scores will act as a counter-point to the event ‘Drawing Breath’ which took place in April 2016 and involved visual artists responding live to poems they had never heard before. Videos of this previous event are available at:

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