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Mossman Fund – your way to help the Vortex (and the musicians) survive

Through our charity, the Vortex Foundation, we have set up a Mossman Fund, in memory of Vortex founder, David Mossman. The aim of the fund is to raise funds in order to put the Vortex into a situation that stabilises the situation of the club but also allows it to move forwards, and in keeping with the spirit of positive community that David started.

With limited income at present from gigs, we are modifying our fund not just to upgrade our club, give us some longer-term stability and support musicians who play at the club.

So we have intentions to improve p.a., lights, furniture etc from our crowdfunder and Culture Recovery Fund money from the government. But we are looking how to raise money to keep the doors of the club ready to open and support the scene as we can. Our newest investment is in equipment to allow us to stream some gigs live from the club as well as put some of our extensive archive online.


To donate, the details are HSBC

Sort code: 40-02-17, account number: 31667513.


As a charity, your donations can be gift aided to reclaim tax.

You can download the form by clicking the link here but please also contact Oliver Weindling.

For more information, feel free to contact Oliver Weindling on

Here is a link to some of the tributes to David.


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